Sean Hughes is a thoughtful, reflective performer, with a passion for self-expressive and profound comedy. A pioneer of the themed, narrative stand-up show, after the 90s he quit the fishbowl...
RHEFP 2013 #14: Paul Foot, Sean Hughes and Benny Boot - Abattoir. Richard is mildly hungover and grumpy and though he threatens to do 'A Baconface' the show must go...
RHLSTP #25: Sean Hughes - Mango Mist. The guest for the final RHLSTP of the series has had a drink with Morrissey, seen a member of Madness drying his bum...
In the first WAYLA? podcast of 2013, Dave Cohen and BCG editor Aaron Brown are joined by Sean Hughes. The comedian, novelist and actor is back on tour with a...