British Comedy Guide

Sarah Hughes (I)

  • Reviewer

Press clippings Page 6

Have you been watching: You, Me and the Apocalypse?

This increasingly addictive, end-of-the-world show is full of intricate plotting and great sight gags, but also manages to be a moving drama about loneliness.

Sarah Hughes, The Guardian, 18th November 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 7 review

Watching You, Me & The Apocalypse this week it occurred to me that what I love about this show is its humanity.

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 12th November 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 6 review

Well, excuse me while I get my breath back because that was quite an episode of You, Me & The Apocalypse!

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 5th November 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 5 review

We're at the halfway point in Iain Hollands' inventive You, Me & The Apocalypse, and, perhaps understandably, this episode aimed to give everyone a chance to breathe, take stock, and see where our heroes are and where they're all going.

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 2nd November 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 4 review

Poor Max -- just as I was beginning to warm to him with his whole 'maybe there is a God, hey maybe we're the chosen ones... perhaps my family could be saved' shtick, he up and dies on me.

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 27th October 2015

After 50 series it's time to pull the plug on HIGNFY

British satire isn't dead so much as sleeping - someone give me a nudge when it wakes up.

Sarah Hughes, The Independent, 25th October 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 3 review

One of the things I like most about You, Me and the Apocalypse is the way the story's slowly deepening every week.

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 16th October 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 2 review

Things kicked up a gear this week, as the effects of the on-coming apocalypse became clearer and we were introduced two new characters.

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 10th October 2015

You, Me And The Apocalypse - Episode 1 review

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed the first episode. I don't think writer Iain Hollands intends this to be seen as an out-and-out comedy. Instead it's that dreaded hybrid: a "dramedy". Which, translated, means that it's offbeat rather than laugh-out loud hysterical.

Sarah Hughes, Frame Rated, 2nd October 2015

Danger Mouse, CBBC: TV review

Absurdist sight gags, ludicrous adventures and fantastically bad puns.

Sarah Hughes, The Independent, 28th September 2015

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