Ruth Jones (I)
- 58 years old
- Welsh
- Actor, writer and executive producer
Video clips
Stella: Episode 5 clip
In preparation for her first date with Sean, Stella takes drastic action in an attempt to lose some weight, and joins Ben's rugby training...
Stella on... Small town gossip
Stella, Karl and Nadine talk about coping with small town gossip and testing the speed at which rumours spread around Pontyberry.
Stella: Episode 4 clip
Nadine's started a mobile dog grooming business and needs a dog to practice on, so she asks Stella to lend her Banjo - after all, he is half Karl's. But as Stella says, which half?
Stella on... Catching Your Man Cheating
Karl (body of a 30 year old, mind of a 16 year old), and Nadine talk about how they got together while Karl was still with Stella.
Stella: Episode 3 clip
The legend that is Dick The Kick has passed away, and the Pontyberry community is devastated.
Stella on... finding love
Stella, Karl and Nadine talk about Stella's love life, specifically 'the Newport bloke' - also known as 'the chicken man' for reasons which soon become clear - and Alan the lollypop man.