British Comedy Guide
Russell Brand
Russell Brand

Russell Brand

  • 49 years old
  • English
  • Actor, writer and stand-up comedian

Press clippings Page 37

Russell Brand urged by fans to denounce Julien Blanc

Sleazy so-called pick-up artist Julien Blanc appears to have been pictured posing with Russell Brand and has encouraged his fans to be more like the comedian - but now Brand's fans have hit back.

Charlotte Meredith, The Huffington Post, 15th November 2014

Noel Gallagher tells Russell Brand to make him a duke

Noel Gallagher has brokered a deal with celebrity pal Russell Brand - to support his revolution if he is then made Duke of Manchester.

Amy Glendinning, Manchester Evening News, 14th November 2014

Russell Brand's Parklife reviewed by man who made meme

"I enjoyed the video and found it pretty funny, though I'm not totally surprised that a week of difficult brainstorming with his vast PR army, and a Hollywood-sized production budget resulted in a funny response to a mild 140-character observation."

BBC News, 10th November 2014

History, fools and Russell Brand

As Paul of Hellas put it, 6th century versions of Russell Brand were obsessed by the need 'to satisfy their own vanity and to fan their thirst for widespread popularity.' Attention-seekers one and a half thousand years ago would say anything to get attention. It seems not much has changed.

Peter Frankopan, The Huffington Post, 10th November 2014

Champagne socialist Russell Brand faces fierce backlash

Russell Brand joined thousands of masked demonstrators in London last night, but he later went to celebrity-filled press night of new theatre musical.

Daily Mail, 7th November 2014

Russell Brand tweets PARKLIFE! & ruins it for everyone

The comedian and activist has seized upon a Twitter joke made at his expense.

Huw Fullerton, Radio Times, 6th November 2014

Radio 4 listeners angry at promotion of Brand's book

Radio 4 listeners have reportedly been angered by the BBC's "shameless" promotion of Russell Brand's new book.

Jess Denham, The Independent, 3rd November 2014

Russell Brand's Revolution For Morons

The movie star's political manifesto is full of mistakes, misquotes, and is utterly misguided, unfunny, illogical, and unreadable. Watch the copies fly from the shelves.

Michael Moynihan, The Daily Beast, 2nd November 2014

Russell Brand pens letter to Andrew Sachs

Russell Brand wrote a letter to veteran actor Andrew Sachs earlier this year to finally apologise for his controversial radio prank.

ITV, 1st November 2014

Russell Brand's book's confusing but so are his critics

It's a truth universally acknowledged that his detractors have always made perfect sense.

Mark Steel, The Independent, 30th October 2014

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