This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several...
This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several...
13-year-old Howard wrote a story about all his classmates going to a party - where two uninvited guests cause havoc, and all the boys are devilishly handsome.
Once again, we're releasing an episode from our most Secret of Gangs on Patreon - into the wild. It's the Mister Fluckcast! Starring Mister Fluck, Mike & Brian, and Gorbilla....
First, we read Young Howard's opinion piece on teen pregnancy, then we try out slightly-less-young Howard's idea for a whole new podcast - which, unfortunately, we couldn't even get one...
Rufus & Howard retell another of their favourite movies - Supergirl from 1984, starring Helen Slater, Faye Dunaway & Peter O'Toole in their greatest roles (squirt?).