Rosie Jones - The Amazing Edie Eckhart: The Big Trip
Edie Eckhart is getting used to life at secondary school. It's going well so far - she's found a brand new friendship group and has the best form tutor EVER.
But then the school organises a camping trip.... complete with muddy walks and team games. It is a DISASTER. The only fun bit is sitting by the fire and telling stories.
On top of that Edie is trying to figure out where she fits in: do you have to define all friendships? And can you be a writer AND a performer, or do you have to choose between the two?
Luckily Edie decides to take back control of the school trip... and in so doing, she discovers that you never have to define yourself. You are AMAZING just the way you are!
First published: Thursday 18th August 2022
- Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
- Pages: 272
- Catalogue: 9781444958379
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