British Comedy Guide
Robert Gillespie
Robert Gillespie

Robert Gillespie

  • 91 years old
  • Actor, writer and director

Robert Gillespie - Are You Going To Do That Little Jump?: The Adventure Continues

Robert Gillespie - Are You Going To Do That Little Jump?: The Adventure Continues

How did Len Rossiter do his Coin Trick?

What do actors talk about, just before they go on stage?

What's the story of Day One with Diana Dors?

What's the low-down on Dan Crawford's wild enterprise at the legendary King's Head?

The story about the spy who lusted after a West End smash hit.

How Health and Safety went down the river when he worked with 'Napoleon'.

Can there be actor paradise? Try the RSC...

How the big egos and big voices got into their limelight.

How did toe-fighting scandalise at the Dublin Festival?

How you can get from playing a small-time crook into big-time sitcom.

What was Robert's biggest laugh ever?

Robert Gillespie is a born storyteller, funny and growly - his is a tale told from the grubby shop floor as well as the glamorous red carpet. He became a household name, stopped in the street by an amused and friendly public. But that wasn't the half of it...

Robert's colourful descriptions of the world of the actor manager, the art of film, of commercial theatre, rep, ground-breaking fringe theatre, television, TV comedy, directing and producing in theatre, writing satire, of the surreal world of commercials, are satisfying and highly entertaining. It's a unique look at nearly three-quarters of a century of show-biz.

First published: Wednesday 6th October 2021

  • Pages: 260
  • Catalogue: 9781999799311

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