Video clips
Backchat - KSI explains what he does
KSI tries to explain to Jack's dad what he does as a job.
Would I Lie To You? - Did Jo Brand eat her Christmas dinner in the bath?
Jo Brand faces sceptical opponents when she says that she once ate her Christmas dinner whilst having a bath.
The Trip - Children In Need special
Broadcast as part of One Big Night for Children In Need on the 12th November 2015, this sketch sees Rob and Steve performing impersonations of Terry Wogan, Tom Jones and more.
Would I Lie To You? - Did Jack Dee find a builder eating doughnuts in his bath?
Jack Dee must face an inquisition when he claims that he once caught his builder eating doughnuts in his bath.
Would I Lie To You? - Did Trevor Noah prank call as Nelson Mandela?
Trevor Noah faces scepticism from David Mitchell, Sean Lock and Richard Hammond when he claims he made uplifting phone calls in the voice of President Nelson Mandela.
Would I Lie To You? - Did Rhod Gilbert swap his cat for a scotch egg?
Rhod Gilbert insists that he once swapped the family cat for a Smurf and a scotch egg... but is this just a porkie pie?