Rob Auton
- Actor, stand-up comedian and writer
Press clippings Page 11
My Comedy Hero: Rob Auton on Ivor Cutler
The York-born stand-up picks the influential Scottish poet and songwriter as his comic icon.
Brian Donaldson, The List, 2nd February 201726 things to see during the last week of the Fringe (Link expired)
As we enter the final week of the Edinburgh Festival, there's a certain anxiety that sets in. Have I made the most of it? Did I miss the best show ever? What will become of the lanyards?
Nick Mitchell, WOW247, 22nd August 2016Natasha Tripney's Edinburgh Fringe picks
The Stage's Edinburgh Festival Fringe team - Paul Vale, Stewart Pringle, Nick Awde, Gerald Berkowitz, Brian Cooper and myself - will be reviewing a huge array of shows over the next few weeks. In the meantime here are a few of the shows I'm looking forwards to seeing.
Natasha Tripney, The Stage, 5th August 2016The 21 best jokes in the history of the Fringe
A study has claimed to have found the 21 most popular jokes in the history of the Edinburgh Festival.
The Scotsman, 4th August 2016Review - Rob Auton: The Sleep Show, Latitude
It's a bold or foolhardy comedian to use the title The Sleep Show, almost inviting criticism that it'll cause you to nod off. Sadly, that portent has come true with Rob Auton's latest hour, which is so aimless and repetitive for the first 50 minutes that it has a soporific effect. The final act reveals what he was getting at with his musings, but after a languidly unfocussed and over-long journey, especially for an outdoor festival crowd who need little excuse to disengage.
Steve Bennett, Chortle, 17th July 2016Edinburgh Fringe preview: Rob Auton
Daniel Kitson has called Rob Auton "entirely compelling to watch". What more recommendation do you need?
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 17th June 2016Review: Rob Auton
Sadly, Auton's kooky musings feel somewhat laboured half way into his lengthy expounding of the benefits, characteristics and uses of water.
Holly Sharp, The Reviews Hub, 24th March 2016Latitude line-up announced
The first batch of names for this year's Latitude Festival has been announced today.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 3rd March 2016Edinburgh preview: Rob Auton
As I wrote in my piece on how to get reviewed at the Fringe, luck can play its part as much as skill.
Bruce Dessau, Beyond The Joke, 3rd August 2015Rob Auton - water guy
Edinburgh intros #10: he's done delightful shows on all the big topics - yellow, the sky, and faces. This year, Rob Auton's all about the wet stuff.
London Is Funny, 24th July 2015