Edinburgh #4: Tree Huggers. Rich is being ultra topical and that of course means him attempting to value his penis, plus he gives a review of an incredible piece of...
Edinburgh #3: Raisin Drip. Rich was looking forward to being able to use his topical satirical eye to look at the news, until he looked at the news, but he...
Edinburgh #2: Screw You William Wilberforce. What Did You Ever Achieve? Richard can't believe that he forgot to tell you about the supernatural thing that happened backstage at the Masonic...
Edinburgh #1 - Can Men Be Funny? The King of Edinburgh is back for his 25th Fringe, though he is feeling under the weather thanks to his bloody stupid decision...
RHLSTP comes to the Great Yorkshire Fringe and York City fan Richard couldn't be happier about his team's amazing season or the fact that the hot weather has given him...
Emergency Questions Special - Richard Herring - Venice in Peril. The RHLSTP tables are turned as the interviewer becomes the interviewee and Richard Herring, best know for playing a policeman...