#246 Gurt Lush - Richard is back in Bristol and surprised at some of the refurb choices apparently made at the SS Great Britain. His guest is the gorgeous force...
#246 Dual? Richard is back at the Bristol Old Vic and is just happy to be no longer in Leicester, but what is Bristol famous for? You'll find out. His...
Chapter 49 - Happy Anuary. It's just before midday on 31st December 2019, but your human anniversaries mean nothing to the ftones or their gods. Anus only looks forwards and...
RHLSTP #244: The Marx Brothers. Rich is back at Hull City Hall for his last RHLSTP recording of 2019 and he has had an accidental slip off the wagon. But...
Chapter 48 - The Curfed Chapter. Boxing Day 2019 and it's around 12.30pm so only an idiot would call it morning. This was already the second attempt at a podcast...