Chapter 53: Unneeded Torch. There's an amazing surprise guest to get you in the mood for today's chapter of stone clearing, with some wise words and stone philosophy, but don't...
#252 Giraffe Harpsichord - Richard's house is being haunted by a film star, but he'll get over it. He's back at the Exeter Corn Exchange and chatting to the man...
#251 Christ, the Child Killer - Richard is a the Corn Exchange in Exeter, a town famous for the the most comical suicide bomb of all time. And Richard is...
Chapter 52 - Ice Clearing. The first frost of 2020 has turned the ground into a clench-jawed child and only loose milk teeth shall be cleared today. Some chat about...
#250 CBE? - Back to the Winchester Theatre Royal for the second week running and Richard is annoyed at his child's teacher's money-making schemes. His guest was also the final...
#249: Sexy Borg Queen. We're at the Winchester Theatre Royal and Rich is blaming the city for the loss of one of our greatest authors. His guest is the comedy...