RHLSTP #255: Spaceship Moon. Richard is back at his spiritual home of the Leicester Square Theatre and has more news about what you shouldn't put up or on your genitalia....
Chapter 54: Jerufalem. It's 4th February 2020, not December or January as is claimed by the tired and confused host of the podcast, whose brain is weak but whose arms...
#254: Oklahoma. Rich liked the Newcastle Stand so much last week, he's returned to talk about how squirrels ruined his day and to list the questionable achievements of the city....
RHLSTP #253: Woody Allen Lift Horror. Rich is at the Newcastle Stand and mourns the possible end of Pizza Express but celebrates besting Piers Morgan. His guest is bricklayer turned...
Chapter 53: Unneeded Torch. There's an amazing surprise guest to get you in the mood for today's chapter of stone clearing, with some wise words and stone philosophy, but don't...
#252 Giraffe Harpsichord - Richard's house is being haunted by a film star, but he'll get over it. He's back at the Exeter Corn Exchange and chatting to the man...