Frame 108 - Squashed Fly At Night, Snooker's Delight. After last week's unusual outbreak of maturity, will the players be up for concentrating on the beautiful game? Probably not, let's...
Richard is worried about the future of Soleros when he should be worrying about the depths his career has sunk to. Luckily his little pals turn up to help him...
Chapter Feventy-Five - Ye Beetf Go On. It's approaching 9am on 9th September 2020 and a sleep-deprived Richard Herring hopes that his befuddled head will give him access to the...
#292: Twitch Chaplin. Rich is being driven mad by a children's song, but at least he's about to finally get back on the telly, so he can leave you losers...
Frame 107 - Astonishing. This frame decides which Me is best after 100 non-void frames (technically last week's frame did that as one frame was a draw) but who will...
Richard is trying to hedge his bets betwixt right wing and woke comedy, but will it get him back on the telly? There's surprises aplenty in this week's ep, with...