Chapter 80 - Day of the Triffidf. It's 8.13am on 20th October 2020, the 20th month of 2020 (or it feels like that anyway). The conditions are damp but God...
Rich is excited that Taskmaster is about to start, look he's even wearing his "costume" but more excited that he has a very exciting exclusive interview with a notable personage....
Chapter Seventy-Nine - Imagine All The People Clearing All the Ftones. It's 8am on 14th October 2020 and over 2 years since Richard started stone clearing (sept 2018) but not...
#297: Polystyrene Vs Worms. Richard has found himself disappointed by the action of Han Solo, but never mind, he's back on telly (Taskmaster starts on October 15th, 9pm on Channel...
Frame 112 - Judge Not, Lest Your Cameras Stop Working. Rich is in a bouncy mood, no doubt due to his return to TV this week (Taskmaster C4, 9pm Thursday...
Episode 14 - Fox Law with Law Fox. Richard is trying to sell his RHLSTP notebook to raise money for Refuge - - the snowflake, but is concerned about...