Richard has come over all peculiar (did somebody say come over?). Maybe Cocky Carrot has been right all along. When he pulls himself together we get to see Peter Dibdin...
#314 Have You Ever Seen A Ghost? - Richard is excited that he's about to get out into an actual theatre to record some shows and that he's getting his...
We're approaching the end of round one and tonight sees the Titans that are Samuel Beckett Me and Italian Me fighting it out for the chance to play newcomer Motorcycling...
Chapter 93 - Myftery Fnowy Footprintf. It's bang on 8am on 9th February 2021 and the Stocean is covered in fnow again. But that will not ftop a hardened ftone...
Richard has been moved by the death that has rocked this great nation this week, but he's got some stand-up about it, so that helps make up for it a...
#313 A Shrek Versus A Grinch - Richard is furious that homeschooling is carrying on til March 8th (at least) but has made a snowman with a feature that Raymond...