#337 Thirty Years of Thirty Years of Hurt - Richard has somehow managed to not damage his son during a week of solo parenting, but only just, but he's had...
It's a happy first birthday to the show that no one thought would get beyond Episode 1. Hold on, I mean the show that no one thought should get beyond...
ESLOSPS #6 - 54 Years Old. Things are hotting up so much that one way or the other you will probably require a Durex. It's the remaining matches for the...
#336 Watching Brian May Have Sex. Richard has had his audience analysed and you won't believe how many of them come from the Vatican City. No matter. His guest costs...
Ye Nettlef and Ye Thiftles. It's just after 8am on 8th July 2021 and things are about to get Intermediate. Do not liften to yif podcaft unleff thou have liftened...
ESLOSPS #5: Don't Be A Dondom. Rich is singing obscure Barron Knights songs like some kind of unsuccessful Peter Kay who tries to remind people of things that they don't...