Chapter 151 - Welly Boot Jeopardy. It's before 5pm on the 12th October 2023 and Rich is hoping Duckett's Passage is open for business cos he has some stones to...
#470 Right Little Puck. Richard has some more incredible Birmingham facts to share with his Brummie audience. His guest is RHLSTP super fan and mischievous imp, Joe Lycett. They reveal...
Chapter 150 - Fticks and Ftones. It's 4.22pm on 5th October 2023 and there's very bad news for the believers in the Alpha and Omega God or those that think...
#468 Where Are You, Satish Patel? - Richard is delighted to be back in bankrupt Birmingham and in front of the third biggest crowd to ever come to RHLSTP. His...