RHLSTP# 17: Chris Addison. He's snogged someone who used to be a dead child and worked with Gail Porter, but did he punch a cupboard? Richard, fresh from his triumphant...
RHLSTP Extra - the Sony Awards. Unbelievably this stupid cock / hamhand / bigfoot-obsessed podcast got nominated for a Sony Comedy Award up against proper BBC comedy shows. But would...
Episode 11 - Lovely Lovely Cress - in possibly (but possibly not) the last epenisode of this rodmast, Richard tells the story of an indecent proposal made to him in...
Epenisode (trouser) 10(t) - Three's A Crowd! - The Talking Cock tour is nearly over, with just a dozen or so opportunities to see the show live (though the DVD...
RHLSTP (BATMCF) Special! - it's like the Leicester Square Theatre Podcast but it's at the Machynlleth Comedy Festival in Wales and is at the packed Y Tabernacle. It's the first...