RHLSTP #60: Sue Perkins - Superkings. A new website to rival Dirty Britcom Confessions has emerged and Richard is fascinated to find out his fans' favourite food. His guest is...
RHLSTP #59: Victoria Coren Mitchell - What's It Like Being the Unattractive One from Lee and Herring? Richard is gifted a front row audience member who is not only wearing...
RHLSTP #58: Milton Jones - Kids Writing Set. Richard is excited about having been shopping for his as-yet-unborn child and having seen a daring theft from Pret a Manger and...
RHLSTP #57: Michael Legge - Spreading All Your Nits About. For the first time in RHLSTP history, a guest has been unable to make the recording at the last minute....
Frame 53 - A New Dawn/Low - The Self-Playing Snooker Federation are in a flap about recent comments made by one of the Mes and it seems disciplinary action may...
RHLSTP #56: Richard Osman - Desert Island Dicks. Richard has been considering his own mortality after a visit to Highgate Cemetery, realising that one day he himself might die. But...