In our 22nd podcast, we bring perhaps the most important news story of the year to wider notice, unfathomably buried at the bottom of Page 6 in this week's Sun,...
In our twenty-first podcast, two days early this week, we discuss corn-stuffed caviar, kelp-flavoured cold Kyoto beef shabu-shabu, hairy crab "Kegani" bisque soup, salt-grilled bighand thornyhead with vinegary water pepper...
In the relaunched podcast, which is very different to the others, we discuss theology, Nazism, Communism, homosexuality, transexualism, hypocrisy, the ageing process, the importance of context in the media and...
In our nineteenth podcast, we ponder our big relaunch with a brainstorming session that unequivocally rules out the possibility of a Vernon Troyer-style sex tape scandal; we also say happy...
In our eighteenth podcast, we look closely at David Beckham's pants, discuss the sexism of Ascot coverage, come up with a recession-beating way of saving money on stamps in Taiwan,...
In our seventeenth podcast, we wish Wayne Rooney and Coleen McLoughlin the very best, rail against the Stop and Search policy of the Metropolitan Police because it mainly singles out...