Frame 177 - Snooker Hole. Whatever Rich thinks, it's Frame 177 and the first of 2024, but who will be the first winner in this final year of human civilization?...
#491 Detached Semi - RHLSTP comes to Aldershot, the scene of one of Richard's most dangerous ever gigs. But we're all safely off the mean streets to welcome the incredible...
Chapter 156 - Deadline. It's 17 o'clock or so on 20th February 2024 and after daily podcasting in 2023 this is the first recorded clear of the year and the...
Richard has had a gig cancelled due to flooding but Bedford's loss is your probably loss as well as you spend nearly an hour of your life in the company...
#490 Do Horses Remember? - Richard is excited about recent developments in robotics, but he doesn't have time for stand-up (or any stand-up). His guest is the remarkable comedian, singer...
You thought we'd gone away, but we're getting to 100 if it kills us and then 1000 and won't stop until everyone on the planet earth is watching. Plus God....