Paul Ready
- English
- Actor
Video clips
Motherland - School's out for Christmas!
School's out for the festive season, so the mums (and Kevin) are busy prepping for the ultimate in blended Christmas celebrations.
Motherland - Last Christmas trailer
The gang are back for the mother of all Christmases!
Motherland Christmas trailer
Christmas comes but once a year, and thank God for that, because it's time for Amanda's annual festive soiree.
Motherland - The carpool
Anne's new carpool attracts Julia's attention, but she has competition from another Mum.
Motherland - The stay-at-home dads
Kevin has some competition when a new stay-at-home Dad arrives on the scene.
Motherland - School fundraiser or Hollywood gala?
A planning meeting for the school fundraiser takes an exciting turn when Julia suggests an auction of promises, just like they do at Hollywood events...