Press clippings Page 2
My comedy hero: Paul Foot on Connie Booth
The surrealist comedy master tells us why Connie Booth, the co-creator of Fawlty Towers, should in the pantheons of comic genius.
Paul Foot, The List, 2nd October 2023(Ish) Edinburgh Comedy Awards 2023 results
The inaugural (ISH) Edinburgh Comedy Awards, the prizes organised by a team of volunteers, have named Julia Masli and Paul Foot as Best Show winners, Dan Tiernan and Fiona Ridgewell as Best Newcomers, and A Show for Gareth Richards as their Panel Prize winner.
British Comedy Guide, 26th August 2023(ISH) Edinburgh Comedy Awards 2023 shortlist
Ed Byrne, Ian Smith, Janine Harouni, Julia Masli, Luke Kempner, Marjolein Robertson, Paul Currie, Paul Foot, Phil Ellis, Seymour Mace and Sid Singh are up for Best Show in the new alternative Fringe-based awards run by volunteers.
British Comedy Guide, 21st August 2023(ISH) Edinburgh Comedy Awards announce longlists
The (ISH) Edinburgh Comedy Awards - the alternative new Fringe-based awards run by volunteers - have announced their longlists.
British Comedy Guide, 14th August 2023NextUp Biggest Award In Comedy 2023 nominees
The nominees have been announced for NextUp's Biggest Award in Comedy. 20 comedians are now in line to win a 2 metre inflatable trophy.
British Comedy Guide, 14th August 2023The Dark Side of Comedy
Avital Ash, Paul Foot and James Nokise share their experiences using comedy as a platform to address mental health, suicidal thoughts and personal trauma.
Jay Richardson, Fest Mag, 2nd August 20235 Guaranteed Laugh-Fests at EdFringe 2023
Here are 5 Guaranteed Laugh-Fests at EdFringe 2023.
WJ Quinn, The Quintessential Review, 30th July 2023Paul Foot on the best and worst of the Edinburgh Fringe
'The compere wept openly in the paddling pool'
Chortle, 27th July 2023Paul Foot 'disconnected from simple joys of life' while fighting depression after traumatic years
Paul Foot is a new man. The transformation goes deeper than the cropping of his mullet-esque hairdo, stand-up's most distinctive barnet. Far more importantly, after 29 years of severe mental health problems, he's happy.
Graeme Green, Metro, 27th July 2023Twenty must-see comedy and variety shows at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe runs annually in August in the Scottish capital, with comedy fans spoilt for choice for just over three weeks each time.
Jill Robinson, The Sun, 2nd June 2023