Oliver Malam
- Actor, writer, producer and comedian
Video clips
News At Now - It's Finger Lickin' Good!
Featuring the all new Sports At Now segment for the sports fan out there (happy now Byron!?).
News At Now - What Would Richard Madeley Do?
Special thanks to competition winner "Bridget Grunly" this week.
News At Now - The News other News Didn't Knews
This News train has left the station and it ain't stopping for a while.
News At Now - Quarantine Special
During this time of international turmoil, the Lampoons have taken it upon themselves to delve into the sunny overbelly of News.
Robbing A Bank
These two robbers are preparing a heist... but may not have all the equipment they need.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Lies
Dumbledore may not have been telling the whole truth....