Neil Martin
- Academic
Neil Martin - The Psychology Of Comedy
What makes us laugh? Why is comedy so important? How does comedy affect our behaviour?
The Psychology Of Comedy provides a unique insight into the role of laughter and humour in our lives. From the mechanics of comedy and what makes a good joke, to the health benefits of laughter, the book delves into different types of comedy, from slapstick to complex puns, and the physiological response it provokes. The dark side of comedy is also considered, confronting the idea that what is funny to some can be offensive to others, making this universal experience also highly subjective.
In a time when comedy continues to be one of the most popular and enduring forms of art, The Psychology Of Comedy reminds us that laughter really is good for the soul.
First published: Wednesday 18th August 2021
- Publisher: Routledge
- Pages: 194
- Catalogue: 9780367366100
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