Matt Lucas
- 51 years old
- English
- Actor and writer
Video clips
And The Winner Is... - Greatest Song from a Musical Artist Who is Otherwise Rubbish
There is debate concering the Lucas Award for "Greatest Song from a Musical Artist Who is Otherwise Rubbish".
The Infidel trailer
The Infidel is a British comedy film written by David Baddiel. It stars Omid Djalili as Mahmud, a successful business owner and salt of the earth East-End Muslim who discovers that he's adopted... and is Jewish.
Shooting Stars - Shocked Face
Angelos Epithemiou takes part in the final challenge.
Shooting Stars - Whose Face is it Anyway?
The final challenge.
Shooting Stars - Geordie Sofas
For anyone from Newcastle in need of a sofa, you might be interested in this.
Shooting Stars - Behind the Scenes - Episode 6.1
A quick look behind the scenes of the first episode of the new series of Shooting Stars.