100 Acts Of Minor Dissent - Mark Thomas
The Rules
1. 100 acts of minor dissent to be committed in one year.
2. Should Mark fail to commit 100 acts, a forfeit shall be levied. That forfeit shall be a donation of £1,000 to UKIP.
Mark Thomas loves where he was been born and raised. But where there was once a hospital at the end of the street there is now a Tesco. The old cinema is a wine warehouse, the local deli run by the moody Italian guy - that's gone too.
After setting himself a challenge with dire consequences if failed, Mark began 12 months of dissent. From returning junk mail in their pre-paid envelopes, organising the first 'What Time is it Mr Wolf?' world championship and finding a new definition for the word 'farage', it grew to acts of national consequence - supporting better wages for John Lewis cleaners, highlighting the tax arrangements of Apple, Vodafone, Amazon and Google, and campaign passionately against the degrading Work Capability Assessment.
Mark Thomas's fifth book is an extremely funny account of a challenge which had national repercussions. It will make you laugh, it will make you angry, and you might just find yourself committing acts of minor dissent too.
First published: Wednesday 24th June 2015
- Publisher: September Publishing
- Catalogue: 9781910463031
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