Mark Gregory is an aspiring comedy writer, specialising in sitcoms, sketches and topical spoof news items. He also writes and acts in video sketches on his YouTube channel.
Year | Production | Role |
2022 | Breaking The News - Series 23
Writer (Additional Material) |
2019 | Middle Class Floral Poo Spray | Presenter |
2019 | Feeling Bloated? - New Fantastic Remedy | Presenter |
2019 | Gardener's Question Time & Car Trouble - Pete and Fran's podcast Sketchibit | Writer |
2016 | Hunter Gatherer | Writer |
2016 | Hunter Gatherer | Man |
2016 | Shiny Stuff | Writer |
2016 | Shiny Stuff | Presenter |
2015 | Business tips you won't get from Alan Sugar | Mr Brown |
2015 | Britain's Brilliant Street Lights | Presenter |
- Age
- 63 years-old
- Nationality
- English
- Home town
- Leeds
- Resident of
- England (Leeds)
Mark Gregory has written a number of one-episode sitcoms (with outlines for future episodes) which have been submitted to BBC Writers Room and The Sitcom Mission, etc.
He has written regular spoof news articles for The Haddock with occasional articles for Newsbiscuit.
During 2009-10 he performed around 20 late night stand-up gigs around Leeds and Manchester (then retiring before being sacked for falling asleep at his desk the next day).
He has written and performed over 30 sketches on his comedy YouTube channel, Can't Be Arsed Comedy.
In 2017, he was a runner up winner for the UK Gold's Christmas Cracker competition.
In 2019 he had two sketches broadcast for the Sketchibit comedy podcast.
He has learnt his craft from reading respected comedy/story texts while attending BBC and other workshops, on-line tutorials, etc.
Comedy writing has replaced a previous career as an indie-band musician (scaling the dizzy heights of having a single played on both the John Peel and Janice Long shows).
He maintains avid interests in both vegan cooking and running 5ks, 10ks and half marathons.
Further contact details are available to BCG Pro members. See below.