Mark Gatiss
- 58 years old
- English
- Actor, writer and producer
Press clippings Page 20
The brainchild of Adam Chase, one of the key writers on Friends, Clone is a new comedy series starring Jonathan Pryce as a brilliant scientist who unveils the result of his life's work: the first human clone, intended to be a prototype super-soldier. It soon becomes apparent that this is far from the case - the Clone (played along the lines of Tom Hanks in Big by Stuart McLoughlin) is more likely to hug someone than shoot them. There's no doubt that this is an interesting premise for a comedy, it's just a shame that it has to resort to crude gags, canned laughter and weak slapstick to get laughs. Nice riff around the smoking ban though, and Mark Gatiss is great as an odious Army colonel. Must try harder.
Joe Clay, The Times, 17th November 2008Fear of Fanny gave the odd impression of being back to front. The script was adequate. The acting was good in parts, with Julia Davis as Fanny and Mark Gatiss exceptionally touching as Johnnie. But the props - from Johnnie's sock suspenders to the frilled bloomers on the chicken legs - were superb. That, however, is the wrong way round.
Nancy Banks-Smith, The Guardian, 24th October 2006