Mark Borkowski
Press clippings
Edinburgh chainsaw massacre: the 10 boldest - and most idiotic - Fringe stunts
At the Fringe, it's not enough to put on a blockbuster show - you've got to get people talking. These shows achieved just that.
Alex Diggins, The Telegraph, 7th August 2023Jerry Sadowitz back doing voiceover work at Edinburgh Fringe
The controversial comedian has been signed to record the scene-setter for a performance by Mark Borkowski, a celebrity publicist whose previous clients have included Noel Edmonds, Graham Norton and Joan Rivers.
Adam Robertson, The National (Scotland), 17th August 2022PR Mark Borkowski on meeting "bonkers people"
The last time Mark Borkowski - legendary UK PR guru and master of the publicity stunt - appeared at the Edinburgh Fringe as a performer was 15 years ago with his Sons of Barnum show. This year, he's back for five days (17th-21st August at Assembly, George Square) with an autobiographical show: False Teeth in a Pork Pie: How to Unleash Your Inner Crazy.
John Fleming's Blog, 25th July 2022