Marc Warren
- 57 years old
- English
- Actor
Press clippings Page 3
Minig the same seam of midlife crises and relationship problems as which produced Cold Feet and Coupling, this new comedy drama revolves around estranged friends brought together after an old pal jumps in front of a train.
Marc Warren plays Martin, an uptight lawyer with a needy wife and kids, while Alexander Armstrong is Patrick, a self-confident bachelor with a sports car and a string of exes.
It's classic odd couple territory but, thanks to a snappy script and superb performances, this works.
Metro, 26th August 2008Putting the ham in Pratchett's Hog
Marc Warren is doing well at the moment, isn't he? He appears to have cornered the market in portraying mordant, otherworldly characters with perverse blood-lust - maybe after realising that Tamzin Outhwaite just wasn't going to go that final length, after all. Over Christmas we'll be seeing him as an extremely kinky Count Dracula on the BBC. Last night, meanwhile, Warren was the lisping assassin in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather on Sky One (Sunday; concludes tonight).
Caitlin Moran, The Times, 18th December 2006