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Lynne Jassem. Copyright: Steve Ullathorne
Lynne Jassem

Lynne Jassem

  • Comedian

Press clippings Page 2

Lynne Jassem Q&A - Edinburgh Fringe 2016

Interview with Lynne Jassem.

Short Com, 28th July 2016

10 Fringe comedians aged over 60

Edinburgh's often very focussed on the young and the new. But forget those whipper-snappers, complaining about the weight of turning 30, what about those with real experience of the world? Here's our round-up of just some of the over-60s hitting the festival. In ascending order of age.

Chortle, 21st July 2016

Podcast: Lynne Jassem 'Como to Homo'

In the 1950s, Lynne Jassem was a pre-teen with a successful TV career. Sixty years later she talks to Martin Walker about her Edinburgh show, 'From Como to Homo'. Her story is told with tap dancing, mime, physical comedy - and a song or two.

Martin Walker, Broadway Baby, 15th July 2016

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