Luke Rollason
- English
- Actor, writer, director, comedian and clown
Video clips
The History Of Hands
A short film about hands - what they are, where they come from, and why you shouldn't bother with the little five-fingered flesh spiders.
Don't forget your buzzer
Is there a more iconic British pastime than the pub? For generations, people have graced their favourite watering holes with their friends and loved ones, and shared cherished memories over a drink and a bite to eat. But times have changed, and technology has destroyed the very foundation of our favourite establishments, with buzzers replacing good old fashioned customer service. Don't you dare enjoy yourself until the buzzer tells you to.
Mess to impress
Nobody wants to run into an ex, but if you do find yourself in this situation, you definitely want them to feel like they're missing out. It's important to look like you've got your life together.
Protein shake illuminati
Everyone's talking about the latest supplement product, Spuel. The all-in-one protein shake has taken the world by storm, with a meal that helps fitness enthusiasts and everyday workers alike by giving you all the fuel you need for your day. But behind the smart packaging and gym aesthetic, are there dark forces at play with this exciting new start up?
D.H.A.R.N.T.Z. - Jazz Emu
Even in the future, nothing in the rules says you can't dharntz.
D*ck Pic Survivors Group
Watch out for that camera on your mobile phone. Many a man has made an innocent and easy mistake on their phone that has brought their life crashing down in scandal and embarrassment.