Press clippings Page 10
Interview: comedian Laura Lexx
Laura Lexx discusses how Trying a year can be.
Angela Johnson, Entertainment Focus, 15th July 2018Laura Lexx: Edinburgh Fringe 2018 interview
Laura Lexx talks sperm resistant wombs and seeing if we're okay.
Laugh Out London, 13th July 2018Edinburgh preview: Laura Lexx & Sara Barron
A double bill of excellent comedians: both tackled arguably taboo subjects, both were extremely funny.
Jonna Brett, Broadway Baby, 12th July 2018Fringe Q&As: Laura Lexx
Laura Lexx on kicking a haggis over a highland cow and tatty scones.
Linda Howard, The Herald, 7th July 2018Laura Lexx: Trying interview
Funny Women editor Kate Stone talked to Laura about mental health, going viral and how Live at the Apollo solved sexism in comedy... (thanks Live at the Apollo).
Kate Stone, Funny Women, 3rd July 2018Laura Lexx intervew
Interview with Laura Lexx.
Punchline UK, 3rd July 2018You have to be joking? Laura Lexx
Laura Lexx interview.
Short Com, 29th June 2018Trying for a baby gave me a nervous breakdown
Trying to conceive can be a stressful time for many women. This heartache is something comedian Laura Lexx, 31, knows all too well. "My husband and I started trying and within a couple of months I was on antidepressants and in therapy for generalised anxiety disorder.
The Daily Express, 28th June 2018Laura Lexx talks babies and breakdowns
Comedian Laura Lexx decided to take a year off comedy to try to have a baby. Instead she had a breakdown. The trying-for-a-baby bit was part of it.
Ellen Scott, Metro, 25th June 2018Laura Lexx: the Edinburgh interviews 2018
Laura Lexx interview.
Becca Moody, Moody Comedy, 24th June 2018