Kieran Hodgson
- English
- Actor, writer, comedian, composer and producer
Press clippings Page 17
Edinburgh festival 2016: the shows we recommend
Plan your Edinburgh schedule with this digest of our tips and reviews. Shows are listed by start time. This page will be updated daily throughout the festival.
The Guardian, 9th August 201618 reasons why you can't miss the Edinburgh Fringe
Think it's just about the jokes? From weight loss to mind expansion, our panel of comedians reveal the hidden perks of a trip to the festival.
The Guardian, 5th August 2016Kieran Hodgson: Edinburgh Fringe 2016 interview
Last year the queues for Kieran's show stretched right around the street and left the many who couldn't get in sorely disappointed (including us!). We finally caught his homage to Lance Armstrong in London and quickly understood what all the fuss was about. One of the best one-man, character-driven storytellers around.
Laugh Out London, 4th August 2016BWW Q&A - Kieran Hodgson
BWW speaks to Kieran Hodgson ahead of his 2016 Edinburgh Fringe show Maestro.
Natalie O'Donoghue, The Edinburgh Reporter, 2nd August 201650 must-see comedy shows at the Edinburgh Fringe (Link expired)
Here at WOW 247 we've pooled together our comedy brains to pick out a whopping 50 shows we think make a good starting point for any Fringe adventurer.
Matthew Dunne-Miles, Finlay Greig and Craig Leiper, WOW247, 2nd August 2016Kieran Hodgson on his new Fringe show Maestro
Equipped with a violin instead of a bike this year, 2015 Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee Kieran Hodgson brings classical music to comedy.
John Stansfield, The Skinny, 29th July 2016Writers' picks for Fringe 2016
Our writers spill the beans on the shows that went first into their Edinburgh Fringe diaries.
Robert James Peacock, Kerry Teakle, Tamarin Fountain, Kirsten Waller, Aisling McGuire, Jonny Sweet, Emma Lawson, Becca Inglis, TV Bomb, 27th July 2016Kieran Hodgson Q&A - Edinburgh Fringe 2016
Interview with Kieran Hodgson.
Short Com, 26th July 2016Edinburgh's Free Fringe is no comedy graveyard
The fringe is no longer centred around the 'big four' venues. Whether you're a performer or punter, take it from an award-winning comic - and get out more.
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 20th July 2016Making the leap from the safety of sketch comedy
Katy Brand and Kieran Hodgson were intimidated at first by the idea of going it alone on stage. But plenty of comedians journey between sketch troupes and solo performance - taking refuge in one and soul-searching in the other
Brian Logan, The Guardian, 14th July 2016