Katie Bennett
- Actor, writer and producer
Video clips
What do you want for Christmas?
The ballad of the bad gift giver, by Quirks & Foibles.
A Haunting Mous-take
Hercule Poirot, the 'little man with enormous moustaches' returns to another Quirks & Foibles parody... but will he catch the killer before it's too late.
Happy Birthday Julius Caesar
It's 15th March 44BC and it's Caesar's birthday...
Blarp's Date
Sometimes the urge to be a clown is just too much to handle.
Breaking news: It's raining men
Stay inside your homes. It's raining men.
Eurovision, You're a Vision - Quirks & Foibles
Comedy trio Quirks & Foibles start their campaign to be the UK entry for Eurovision 2024... and yes they are 100% serious.