British Comedy Guide
Joz Norris
Joz Norris

Joz Norris

  • Actor, writer, producer, editor, script editor and stand-up comedian

Video clips

Joz Norris's Lord of the Rings

Joz Norris explains: "I made a cover version of the entire Lord Of The Rings trilogy in 24 hours for Mark Watson's Watsonathon."

Celebrity Hide-and-Seek-a-thon

Joz Norris says: "I had a lovely time hosting the annual Celebrity Hide-and-Seek-a-Thon. Such a shame it was once again RUINED by someone who seems INCAPABLE of understanding the rules."

Jump Cuts

Joz Norris demonstrates all the bits cut out from the comedy videos that use jump cuts.

30 Days Hath September

A short silly thing about what happens when you try to write but your self-esteem isn't great.

Desperate Measures

When lockdown began, Emma was expecting a very special delivery. Now it looks unlikely it can still make it to her, she needs to call in some help from Freya and Jack before it's too late.

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