Joseph Adelakun
- Actor and writer
Video clips
Red Flag Dates - Happy Birthday
Jamie has pulled out all the stops to celebrate Helen's birthday, but she has a different agenda and a series of obstacles keep getting in her way.
Life In ADHD - Russian Doll: The Excess Baggage All Things ADHD Cut
A woman with Adult ADHD attempts to meet an old friend for a drink. But it turns out that living with ADHD is as close as you can get to being a clown without getting a Gaulier diploma - 3% of Adults have an under-developed Pre-frontal cortex, affecting their executive functioning. What does that look like under a microscope?
Life In ADHD - The ADHDictionary #2: Lostmin
Have you ever lost a burrito while you were eating it? Life In ADHD presents: 'The ADHDictionary' - Your essential ABC to ADHD - words that have evolved in order to help us live in the real world. With Professor Penny, PhADhD, Master of the Neurodiverse.
Life In ADHD - If Your Brain was an Editing Timeline
The ADHD brain... as seen through the metaphor of an Adobe Premiere editing timeline. (TW) Editors, some scenes may be distressing. Here's Professor Penny, PhDADhD, Master of the Neurodiverse, to explain it all.
Life In ADHD - Meet Professor Penny, PhADhD
What even is ADHD? / ADHD? That's not a thing, is it? Yes. Yes it is. And here's Professor Penny, PhDADhD, Master of the Neurodiverse, to explain it all..
Life In ADHD - The Ultimate Formula for ADHD Time-Keeping - with Professor Penny, PhDADhD
Making an arrangement with a friend/colleague/lover with ADHD? Here's Prof Penny PhDADhD, to show how to calculate what time you can expect them to arrive.