Press clippings Page 36
The MediaGuardian Top 100 2010 - 68. Addison Cresswell
His client Jonathan Ross may grab the headlines, but agent, producer and deal-maker Addison Cresswell wields influence in his own right.
The Guardian, 15th July 2010Jonathan Ross's most memorable moments
Eighteen series on, we take a look back at Wossy's ten most memorable moments at the top table of TV talk.
Steve Berry, Yahoo, 14th July 2010Video: Fans mourn Jonathan Ross's final show
Jonathan Ross is taping his final "Friday Night" show for the BBC after a career with the organisation spanning 13 years.
Lizo Mzimba, BBC News, 14th July 2010Where was Russell Brand on Jonathan Ross?
After a no-show on Ross's last ever BBC chat show, does this mean Russell Brand has put his bawdy days behind him?
John Crace, The Guardian, 13th July 2010I'm Pete again, aren't I?" said Angus Deayton, during one of the bits of rehearsal actuality that filled out Pete and Dud: the Lost Sketches. You wish, Angus. You wish. Actually, you're Angus Deayton, which is fine as far as it goes, but still leaves a slightly conspicuous gap between towering comic genius and jobbing comedy actor.
It's a gap that would generally pass unremarked, but for the fact that Deayton, and several other contemporary comedians, had accepted the BBC's invitation to restage some Not Only... But Also sketches that the corporation, in a more careless time, had managed to wipe. If the title got you all excited at the thought that someone had found a dusty spool of film in their attic and we were going to see the real thing you will have been disappointed. This was a tribute-band celebration of Pete and Dud, rather as if someone had accidentally destroyed the acetates of St Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 40-odd years ago, and they'd called in Jedward and Susan Boyle to reconstruct it from sheet music.
That analogy may be a little harsh, perhaps, but the show - one of the last things Jonathan Ross will front up for the BBC before he heads off to ITV - was an odd affair, clumsily blending the preparation for the show with a live-audience studio section in which the assembled players were introduced to do the greatest hits. Most of them, wisely, had decided not emulate the original delivery, not exactly inimitable - since the accents and manner almost instantly fed into every playground and student bar in Britain - but not easy to imitate well. That meant, though, that the focus necessarily shifted to the writing - the lines being the only residue of the original. Some of it stood up well. In one of the more famous "Dagenham dialogues", in which Pete tries to take Dud through rebirthing therapy, you could catch the authentic flavour of Peter Cook's imagination. When Dud protests at the idea that he wants to get back to his mother's womb, Pete is quick to clarify matters: "I'm not suggesting that you go around now to 465 Beckingtree Avenue and ask your mother for re-admission," he says, "It's four o'clock in the morning... and anyway it's illegal."
But in other sketches the raw words were left looking a little thin and you realised how important the volatile elements of a comedy partnership can be - the intangible stuff (including all the corpsing) - which they added to the printed words and which can only be captured by a recording. Some of the restagings here were frankly embarrassing, carrying the stale whiff of a thousand am-dram revues in which devoted fans vainly attempt to get lightning to strike twice. It was a reminder of just how good the originals could be, but not perhaps in quite the way that was first intended. "The BBC has wiped these tapes now... is that a big loss?" Jonathan Ross asked someone lamely at one point. Well if they hadn't we might have been spared this, which would have been something.
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent, 12th July 2010A little less conversation, a little more action
Jonathan Ross is moving to ITV with a new chat show - but it's time to retire this tired, old format, says Gerard Gilbert.
Gerard Gilbert, The Independent, 12th July 2010Was it madness or arrogance that persuaded the volunteers on Pete And Dud: The Lost Sketches that they could sketch in the shadow of genius? The idea of the likes of Angus Deayton and Adrian Edmondson attempting to emulate the comedy chemistry of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore seemed like the product of a lock-in after the Baftas. In other words, it should never have survived the cold light of day.
Yet, though it was light on belly laughs and clearly in thrall to its source material, Pete And Dud: The Lost Sketches was oddly entertaining. Introduced by lifelong Pete and Dud fan Jonathan Ross (and for once he seemed genuine), the set of sketches performed - 'lost' in the sense that the BBC unbelievably wiped the original TV tapes, so they only survive in audio or script form - at least served as a priceless reminder of one of the truly great comedy pairings.
It was like watching a rock tribute band who know all the words and get the notes in the right place. You could sing along but inevitably there was a spark missing. It was the brief clips of the real Pete And Dud that were worth sticking around for, the mix of surreal allusion, schoolboy smut and lady frocks making it clear how much the duo influenced everyone from The Fast Show to Little Britain.
There was a missed opportunity in the mix: Stephen Fry and David Mitchell, only featured as talking heads, would have made a perfect Pete and Dud.
Instead the originals were lovingly, though palely, imitated, new boy Jonny Sweet coming closest to catching the anarchic 1960s spirit that Pete and Dud encapsulated.
Now what we need is a series that rounds up every clip that still exists.
Keith Watson, Metro, 12th July 2010In praise of Jonathan Ross's past work
So Jonathan Ross's BBC chat show has finished. It has ceased to be. He's off now to ITV. It's easy to knock him for Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, although he frequently knew what he was talking about...
Rob Buckley, The Medium Is Not Enough, 12th July 2010Jonathan Ross ends a television era at the BBC
He shook up television entertainment in Britain and became the chatshow king. Now his fans must wait for him to return on ITV.
Vanessa Thorpe, The Observer, 11th July 2010Jonathan Ross rounds off his BBC career this week with his final chat show on Friday, and this love-letter to comedy duo Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. Ross, a devotee of the pair's sardonic, surreal sketches, tells us that Pete and Dud were his first TV comedy love. Their series Not Only... but Also ran on BBC2 between 1965 and 1970. It will surprise no one to learn that the BBC subsequently wiped the tapes of many of its 23 episodes, some of which survive only in script form. Which is where we reach the chancy bit of Pete and Dud: the Lost Sketches. Ross's guests - including Alistair McGowan, Angus Deayton and Hugh Dennis - gather to re-create some of these vanished comedy gems. I hope it works.
Alison Graham, Radio Times, 11th July 2010