Video clips
Meet The Richardsons - Modern classic or nail in the sitcom coffin?
Jon Richardson, Lucy Beaumont, Johnny Vegas and Sarah Parks star in brand new sitcom Wet Cloth/Dry Cloth. Packed full of working-class humour (or so Lucy says) and plenty of canned laughter, could this have the makings of a modern classic? Unlikely.
Would I Lie To You? - Owls freak me out
David Mitchell claims that he had to run away from an owl sanctuary.
The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud - Magic
Anna is training to be a magician with Dave as her helpful assistant. Their disappearing trick is not up to much though, that is until Zombie Katie bestows a magic spell book upon them.
The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud - The Grimsby Meteor
Dave is warned by local Fortune Teller, Madam Donald, that walking under a ladder will bring bad luck. He walks under one anyway, and soon a meteor is heading for Grimsby. It is up to Dave and his friend Robert Robot to catch it.
The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud - Zombie Apocalypse
Dave finds a handheld computer game at the dump. The game involves killing zombies which his friend, Zombie Katie, finds rather insulting. Exacting her revenge, Dave finds himself confronted with a group of very angry and very real zombies.
The Rubbish World Of Dave Spud - The Grimsby Mermaid
Dave stumbles across a mermaid at the dockside who invites herself round for tea. Taking up residence in the Spuds' bathtub, Dave and his family must somehow persuade their unwanted guest to go back to her watery home.