Video clips
Richard Hammond's Brain Reaction - Rugby player versus fireman's hose
The pressure is on as a rugby player battles a fireman's hose.
Richard Hammond's Brain Reaction - A smashing time
Diamonds are forever... or are they?
The Island - Making paper planes
The panellists see who can get the furthest with their comically-sized paper planes.
Richard Hammond's Brain Reaction - Rocketman
Fireworks, rockets and balloons! Richard Hammond has got some explosive experiments for Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Maisie Adam, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Johnny Vegas and Ria Lina.
Richard Hammond's Brain Reaction - Maisie Adam gets decked by strongman
Ripping a deck of playing cards in half? Strongman Titan demonstrates how it is done.
The Island - I'll put myself in the fridge and cry
The lamp-haves and the lamp-have-nots are exposed.