John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 47
Frank Sanazi now to perform as Vladimir Putin
Frank Sanazi (real name Pete) sings like Frank Sinatra, but looks and acts like Adolf Hitler.
John Fleming, 21st July 2014Leo Kearse: dancing with David Icke
Leo Kearse: dancing with David Icke and giving intelligence to the police.
John Fleming, 20th July 2014Hils Jago on talent spotting comedians
Yesterday, I had tea at Soho Theatre with Amused Moose Comedy boss/promoter/producer Hils Jago.
John Fleming, 19th July 2014Paul Daniels talks about Have I Got News For You
"Why did you go on it?" I asked. "Because I couldn't figure out," explained Paul Daniels, "why my very funny friends weren't funny when they were on it.
John Fleming, 9th July 2014Barry Ferns interview
"I have been Lionel Richie for seven years," said Barry. "I went bankrupt as Lionel Richie."
John Fleming, 5th July 2014Mark Kelly interview
Yesterday, I had a chat with writer and occasional performer Mark Kelly.
John Fleming, 4th July 2014Bruce Dessau defends comedy critics and comedy agents
Bruce Dessau is comedy critic for the London Evening Standard newspaper. "I don't think I've ever destroyed anyone in my life," said mild-mannered and eternally polite Bruce.
John Fleming, 23rd June 2014Matt Price interview
Matt Price receives a threat and a stab vest and I suggest gangsters and stand-up comedians have similar needs.
John Fleming, 21st June 2014Can you over-preview comedy shows?
My chat with Kate Copstick roamed into talking about Edinburgh Fringe comedy show previews and putting press quotes and stars on Fringe posters.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 21st June 2014Club owner Noel Faulkner on Jongleurs, Yuppies...
"I'm taking on Jongleurs' format for comedy," he told me. "I'm going to open sixty clubs throughout Britain."
John Fleming, 19th June 2014