John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 46
Grouchy Club co-host Kate Copstick says I am "odious"
In yesterday's blog, I mentioned a comedian who, for two consecutive days, had not noticed the line between admirable persistence and pointless harassment to plug his Edinburgh Fringe show. Yesterday, I had yet another text and another phone call from him. Thankfully, my iPhone makes it easy to block numbers, which I have now done. Over-promotion without originality is counter-promotion.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 3rd August 2014A cute dog, a dead pig and three women I don't talk to
In yesterday's blog, I mentioned an unwise act who sent me the same introductory e-mail three times then, the next day, phoned my mobile four times in an hour while I was driving up the M6 motorway. Yesterday morning, within half an hour, I received another three copies of the same e-mail from him within half an hour.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 2nd August 2014How NOT to publicise a show & get your nose licked
Yesterday I drove up from London to Edinburgh - an eight hour drive not helped by a performer phoning me at 9.34am, 9.59am, 10.32am and 10.36am to suggest himself for the Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award. The previous night, he had sent three identical e-mails suggesting himself. Not three separate e-mails... The same e-mail three times with gaps between. Not a mistake.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 1st August 2014Malcolm Hardee's first ever appearance at the Fringe
In this edited extract from I Stole Freddie Mercury's Birthday Cake, Malcolm talks about the first time he appeared with The Greatest Show On Legs at the Fringe.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 31st July 2014The one important thing I've learnt about the Fringe...
Over the years, I have learned one really important thing about the Edinburgh Fringe. But, to explain that, I have to give you some background.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 30th July 2014Lewis Schaffer - now there is a book planned
In the last couple of years, UK-based American comedian Lewis Schaffer has been the subject of at least two academic studies. (It might be four).
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 29th July 2014Ideals & systems of value for stand up comedy
Hi John, this is Sean Nolan I'm a comedian performing at this year's Edinburgh Fringe, my show is entitled and informed by The Joke Manifesto document I wrote over the past year outlining logical and universally applicable ideals and systems of value for stand up comedy.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 26th July 2014The newish comic most likely to become successful?
You can never tell who is going to succeed. Some extremely talented performers crash and burn. Some with minimal talent strike it lucky. (See vast swathes of BBC Three.) So who do I guess is the current reasonably-new comedian most likely to succeed...? Archie Maddocks.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 25th July 2014Margaret Thatcher, Queen of gay Soho
I posted a blog in December last year about the stage show Margaret Thatcher, Queen of Soho, which next week starts a run at the Edinburgh Fringe.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 24th July 2014Publicising a new comedy club & write an press release
At the weekend, I went to see Pull The Other One club owners Martin and Vivienne Soan. Their daughters appeared to be wearing lampshades. This sounds rather odd but actually looked rather trendy.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 22nd July 2014