John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 44
Getting drunk at the Fringe & singing over a dead body
My left shoulder is in middling agony if I move it. It is comedian Arthur Smith's fault. More about that later.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 24th August 2014Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award winner attacked after show
Christian Talbot's text to me at 3.01am this morning. One of the other nominees in the Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award category had been comedian Luke McQueen. Christian Talbot's text read: "Had Luke McQueen's girlfriend grab my trophy off me in Brooke's Bar (the Pleasance Dome venue's bar for performers) and try to smash it. It's not too damaged. What a lovely person she is."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 23rd August 2014Racism, farting, McIntyre, the Daily Mail & the Fringe
Flyering is an overlooked vital art at the Fringe.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 21st August 2014How the banned "Racist Joke Show" was a cunning stunt
At yesterday's eventually crowded Grouchy Club show (people keep wandering in willy-nilly and then don't leave - which is good), Jay Islaam talked about his Racist Joke Show.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 20th August 2014Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards Show potential shambles
When I started the Malcolm Hardee memorial shows in 2006 followed, in 2007, by the increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards Shows, I realised I was in a win-win situation. If the shows were a shambolic mess, I would get credit for honouring the true spirit of Malcolm. If they went smoothly, I would get credit for putting together a good show in his memory. In a sense, I welcome chaos.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 19th August 2014Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards short list is announced
The short-list for the increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards at the Edinburgh Fringe has been decided amid a flurry of red noses and custard pie fights between the judges.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 18th August 2014Kate Copstick talks about S&M at the Grouchy Club
"I think those people might be few and far between," said Copstick. "Though, when I used to go clubbing - to SM clubs - I went as a sub but, because of the way I dressed, everyone thought I was not. So I was constantly getting sad little men coming up wanting to be my slave and the one time I said Yes, it was just embarrassing."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 17th August 2014The new female comedian who is my Fringe flatmate
Someone who was at yesterday's show was my Fringe flatmate Sara Mason. She is a relatively new comedian who is picking up a few gigs in Edinburgh plus a few tips for a future Fringe sho
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 16th August 2014A day in the life of the most-fearsome comedy critic
My co-host is Kate Copstick, doyenne of comedy critics. She runs Mama Biashara, a charity based in Kenya where she spends, I guess, half her year.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 15th August 2014Jim Davidson (C word is a Scottish term of affection)
At the increasingly prestigious Grouchy Club yesterday afternoon, conversation between me, my co-host Kate Copstick - doyenne of comedy reviewers - and comedians in the audience turned to comic Jim Davidson.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 14th August 2014