John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 38
On paying people to review their shows
I was more than a little surprised to see on the Chortle comedy industry website that they were going to pay people to review their shows.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 3rd April 2015Malcolm Hardee - 10 years dead & his Awards are working
The first award in 2005 was intended as a one-off to mark his passing and was called the Oy Oy Award because we couldn't think of anything better but, in 2007, it became the annual Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award. And there are now three annual Malcolm Hardee Awards, due to run until 2017 because that's the number of awards I got made, on the basis I might not be able to afford to have any more made after 2017. Amazing foresight on my part.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 31st March 2015Mr Nasty: Hi-de-Hi and 1980s hardline left wing comedy
In this blog a couple of days ago, Ricky Gervais' TV series Extras was mentioned. I had not realised that comedy scriptwriter Mark Kelly - an occasional popper-upper in this blog - had, at one time, been a real TV extra. He also used to perform stand-up under the name Mr Nasty.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 17th March 2015Fringe rant, Paul Merton, Dirty Girls and more
One thing that increasingly gets up my nose at the Edinburgh Fringe is comedians who do not do stage shows.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 13th March 2015Sexism in comedy
+ a cripple, a lesbian, two ethnic minorities and a spaceman.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 10th March 2015Misconception about music halls bred by 'Good Old Days'
"People's vision of music halls is Leonard Sachs on The Good Old Days. But it grew totally out of the publicans' interest in making as much money as they possibly could - selling as many drinks as they could. Some enterprising ones decided they'd put on a couple of turns (acts) in the evening and more people would come and see the show and drink their beer."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 8th March 2015Interview: Susan Harrison & Gemma Arrowsmith
I last blogged about Susan Harrison in 2013 and first saw her perform at Pull The Other One - as Mina The Horse. Yup. a horse. Not an act I am likely to forget.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 7th March 2015The original Pompidou & brief history of visual comedy
Multi-award-winning comedy scriptwriter/performer Julian Dutton started as an actor, then became a comedy scriptwriter for radio, but, he says, "I always made sure I performed in the things I wrote." He appears in a later episode of Pompidou.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 6th March 2015Jo Burke wants to scream about her life in her new show
Jo Burke is slightly worried about performing her new show. She is performing it at the Brighton Fringe for three nights in May. Then at the Edinburgh Fringe in August.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 3rd March 2015Kate Copstick on her dislike of Lee Evans & Only Fools
Comedy critic Kate Copstick on some aspects of comedy she hates.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 2nd March 2015