John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 31
Awards and a very offensive act at the Fringe
At yesterday's Grouchy Club the star of the previous show in the room, gentlemanly Peter Michael Marino, gallantly went to kiss our Jewish comedy princess Arlene Greenhouse's hand. Unfortunately, her hand twitched and hit him in the face. Late last night, he was still nursing a bruised lip.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 28th August 2015Kate Copstick's nightmare last night at the Fringe
Tomorrow night, the Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards are announced at the annual two hour variety show in his memory. He drowned ten years ago, in 2005.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 27th August 2015A financial bribe to win a Malcolm Hardee Award
Yesterday, with the increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award nominations announced, I bumped into performer Joz Norris in the street, who tried to persuade me it was not too late for him to win for a Cunning Stunt Award.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 26th August 2015PBH Free Fringe act sacrificed
Sit back with a good supply of tea for this blog. Extensive, exhaustive and possibly exhausting quotes are included. People not living inside the bubble of the Edinburgh Fringe might be advised to look elsewhere.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 25th August 2015Copstick ejected from Gilded Balloon; one venue bured
On Sunday, I thought Papa CJ was going back to India on Monday. Then he announced an extra show in Edinburgh tonight (Tuesday). I had no idea how or why.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 25th August 2015The trauma of a 5* review & why I don't like fauning
Maybe absurdism and 'outa left field' comedians are starting to make inroads into mainstream media consciousness. Even if I have no idea what 'outa left field' actually specifically means.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 23rd August 2015Comedian and comedy critic in fist fight at Fringe
Comedians and critics tend to have a love-hate relationship. Critics tend to love comedy and comics tend to hate critics.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 22nd August 2015When is a cunning stunt not cunning?
One agent/promoter was telling me he had a stunt to publicise one of his acts which he reckoned was going to put all the traffic in Edinburgh into gridlock and he was trying to persuade me this would be worthy of an increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Cunning Stunt Award nomination. But this would be more likely to get the act thrown out of their venue, him prosecuted and the show loathed by locals rather than an award nomination.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 21st August 2015"If the street is clean, your show is a failure."
Yesterday morning started with me sitting in Fringe Central and 82-year-old Lynn Ruth Miller coming up to me.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 21st August 2015Fringe bog blog, toilet humour, replacing crystal balls
Yesterday's Grouchy Club was fairly full and, on the audio recording, not perfect with the sound of a fan - well, we actually had two fans, something the Laughing Horse Free Festival is very good at providing for stuffy Fringe rooms.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 19th August 2015