John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 30
Paul Boyd: from Molly Wobbly to the Tower of London
My chum comedienne Janey Godley's weekly podcast has a new signature tune from today, written by the wildly prolific Paul Boyd. "It's the same tune," he told me yesterday at the Tower of London, "I just brushed it up a bit, because I thought: They've had it for five years now. I didn't want to have an outcry from all her fans if I changed it too much."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 30th September 2015Juliette Burton is a lesbian SuperMum who reads erotica
Tomorrow night sees the big-screen premiere of the short SuperMum at the Vue cinema in London's Leicester Square - part of the Raindance Film Festival. It stars comedy performer Juliette Burton in the title role.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 29th September 2015iScream - Jo Burke on stage and page
Creative life can be very confusing. This Saturday, Jo Burke is performing her Edinburgh Fringe show iScream at the Museum of Comedy in London.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 28th September 2015Comedy performer Louise Reay and her rather large wig?
Sandra Smith, this blog's South Coast correspondent, gets about a bit. And comedy performer Louise Reay has a lot of hair.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 26th September 2015Michael Brunström likes to do things he is not good at
The annual Malcolm Hardee Awards are given to individuals. At the Edinburgh Fringe last month, Michael Brunström won the Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality. His show was titled The Golden Age of Steam and, this week, he performed it at the Museum of Comedy in London - which was arranged after he won the award.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 25th September 2015Diane Spencer gave birth to a giant dwarf
Yesterday afternoon, I had tea with comedian Diane Spencer at Soho Theatre in London, to talk about the recording next Tuesday of Diane Spencer: Power Tool, her sixth hour-long show (at the Backyard Comedy club in Bethnal Green). We got diverted from the subject, though it started off OK.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 8th September 2015Now Peckham have absurdist comedians
Michael Brunström won the increasingly prestigious main Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality at the recent Edinburgh Fringe but, by the time it was awarded, he had finished his run and was back in London. So I gave him the trophy last night.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 4th September 2015Death, reviewers, pigs, ham-fistedness & drink
Reviews, of course, are both the dream and the nightmare of performers at the Fringe and some of the fly-by-night publications employ (unpaid) youngsters who are barely literate, let alone knowledgable.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 31st August 2015Death of producer Danny Greenstone
Danny had joined BBC Radio in 1969, as a filing clerk in News Information but, by 1973 he was a producer in Light Entertainment. In 1977, with producer John Lloyd, he invented The News Quiz and, he said, the only argument they ever had was about the title. Danny wanted to call the series [i]Keep Taking The Tabloids[i].
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 30th August 2015Alarm in the Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards Show
My afternoon was then taken up by getting the increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award trophies engraved and boiling eggs for the annual Scottish National Russian Egg Roulette Championships which were to take place at the increasingly prestigious two-hour Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards Show that night.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 29th August 2015