John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 26
Noel Faulkner closes The Comedy Cafe
I got a message late last night from Noel Faulkner: "I will call you tomorrow to talk about losing the club." London's Comedy Cafe is closing at the end of this month, after 26 years.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 2nd December 2016Dave Cohen & John Dowie: interview
Writer/performers Dave Cohen and John Dowie are one gig away from the end of their current world tour.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 19th November 2016Janey Godley v Donald Trump, the police & Harry Potter
"Yeah," said Janey, "I'm a Harry Potter kebab is what I am. When I came out of Leicester Square Theatre," she continued, "there was just a big queue of people dressed in cloaks with Harry Potter wands which is funny because (Janey's daughter) Ashley did Tanya Potter - a Scottish Harry Potter - and it got 16 million hits online. That made me laugh. Ashley was getting recognised in the street in Glasgow as the Harry Potter girl. Lots of people were dressed as Tanya Potter for Halloween in a shell suit wi' a stick wi' a zigzag on their cheek as a scar."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 17th November 2016Reports of an attempted coup within the Free Fringe
A couple of days ago, I got a message from someone I shall call Captain Bird's Eye. The good Captain told me something I knew and something I did not know. He told me: "PBH was unfortunately poorly and in hospital for a short while." I knew this. Then he told me something I did not know: "Whilst PBH was out of action one of his leading team members Kate Smurthwaite took over the reigns immediately ousting Paul B Edwards and then appointing Chris Coltrane as comedy director. PBH is now out of hospital."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 9th November 2016Kunt and The Gang: The end of an era
Kunt and The Gang's last ever performance after 13 years of touring the UK.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 6th November 2016Becky Fury: compassion glut in the Calais
Becky is organising the cabaret part of the Anarchist Bookfair tomorrow.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 28th October 2016Sachsgate, the Mail & becoming offended second hand
Mark Boosey yesterday pointed out that only two people who heard the broadcast on transmission had been offended (perhaps only one) and it had taken eight days for 1,583 other people to have been offended second-hand. What it all proves I do not know, but it must prove something. I personally thought what was broadcast (which I have listened to) was way-way-over-the-line into unacceptable offensiveness.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 13th October 2016Why Richard Gadd failed to win a Malcolm Hardee Award
"When I visualised the show, there was only one room in the whole of Edinburgh I visualised - the Banshee Labyrinth Cinema Room. I needed a screen that was bigger than me. I needed a screen that would engulf me and engulf the audience. I thought: What do I do? Do I sacrifice audience numbers and money for artistic gain? And the answer was: Absolutely. I didn't do it to create a buzz or as a cunning stunt or anything like that. It was a genuine artistic decision that I made."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 12th October 2016Becky Fury wants to 'go out with' another comedian
"I live on a boat and I work very little and I have a very nice life. I try not to hurt anybody or cause anyone any stress. People should be what they want to be. I am a free spirit. But why do I live on a boat? Because it's cheaper. I used to live in a squat, but you can't do that any more."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 3rd October 2016The Kunt and The Gang monologues
I thought it would also be interesting to chat to him for a blog, but he told me: "I stopped doing face to face stuff as it never comes across in print quite as well as the email interviews." I told him: "I'm never very keen on written Q&A 'interviews' because they never sound like a lively conversation. Writing in grammatical perfection is always a killer." So, inevitably, we did do a Q&A email interview. This is it.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 15th September 2016