John Fleming (I)
- Journalist
Press clippings Page 23
Arthur Smith interview
Comic Arthur Smith, an Edinburgh Fringe regular spanning two centuries, is only going up for three days this year, to perform his legendary Arthur Smith Sings Leonard Cohen show - re-titled Arthur Smith Sings Leonard Cohen - The Final Tribute.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 24th July 2017Feeling slightly happier with Nathan Cassidy
When I talked to comedian Nathan Cassidy/ in a Haggerston cafe, he told me he had just been asked to audition for Puppetry of the Penis, the globe-trotting performance group who specialise in penile origami.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 23rd July 2017Editing your script & not being invisible at the Fringe
If you fancy yourself as a wordsmith on stage or screen, my advice is to write as little dialogue as possible.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 15th July 2017A Malcolm Hardee stunt: the legend & the truth
Malcolm was famous for his stunts at the Fringe. One of the most famous was writing a review of his own show which he conned The Scotsman newspaper into publishing in 1989.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 14th July 2017Lewis Schaffer and the unopened letters from his mother
The penultimate time I saw London-based American comedian Lewis Schaffer, he was touting a show in a venue "near Leicester Square" in which the audience had to turn up at a corner of the square and be led to a highly secret venue.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 8th July 2017Dick pic etiquette with Becky Fury
At The Grouchy Club both three months ago and two months ago, there was gossip about a Scottish male comedian who had allegedly sent offensive unsolicited text messages and photos - 'dick pics' - to various younger female comedians. The story was not discussed at this month's Grouchy Club, but resurfaced as a front-page story in the Scottish Daily Record and was then picked up by the English Daily Mirror and the English Sun last Saturday. Unconnected to the above, I know other female comedians who have received 'dick pics' from male comics. So I thought: Who do I know who is likely to talk about this subject ON the record? Well, obviously, Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award winning Becky Fury.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 29th June 2017Paul Vickers to write play about David Lynch
So I had a chat with Mr Twonkey aka Paul Vickers at King's Cross station in London. He was on his way back home to Edinburgh. Last year, he won the increasingly prestigious Malcolm Hardee Award for Comic Originality at the Edinburgh Fringe.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 22nd June 2017Tit grabbing & throat-slitting at the Grouchy Club
Yesterday, performer Samantha Pressdee posted in Facebook: "Frenzied tit grabbing in Wetherspoons, all in the name of feminism, is where last night's Grouchy Club wound up."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 15th June 2017How to win a Malcolm Hardee Award...
The Malcolm Hardee Comedy Awards at the Edinburgh Fringe are all about originality. This blog is a lazy re-hash of a piece I wrote last year. But, as Malcolm would have said - indeed, often did say - "Fuck it! It don't matter. There are people starving in Africa. Not all over. Round the edge... fish."
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 11th June 2017Malcolm Hardee's two bids to get elected as an MP
Today is General Election Day in the UK. Below are three extracts from the late Malcolm Hardee's increasingly prestigious autobiography I Stole Freddie Mercury's Birthday Cake, published in 1996.
John Fleming, John Fleming's Blog, 8th June 2017